
Income Tax Return

  • Salaried Income ₹ 1874

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Income Tax Return

Complete By : 28-March-2025

About this Item

A2Z Filing Services will prepare and file your Income Tax Return for Salaried, Business and Professional Income at an affordable cost.

Submit Request: On Clicking the login & pay now button you can fill required information & details and submit your request with us. Our team will process your request and initiate the work. 

Information & Documents Required


Phone Number

PAN Card

Form 16

Bank Details (Account number & IFSC code) in case of refund.

Bank Statement (Business and professional income).


Comply with the law and avoid legal penalties.

Claim deductions and credits to reduce your taxable income and save money.

Establish a tax history and build a good reputation with tax authorities.

Access financial benefits like loans and credit cards.

Ensure accurate reporting of your income and taxes paid.