
Trademark Application

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  • Trademark Application
  • Proprietorship/Startup/MSME ₹ 5999

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Trademark Application

Complete By : 09-September-2024

About this Item

A2Z Filing Services will prepare and file your Trademark application in one class for proprietorship, startup, small enterprise and large enterprises.

Submit Request: On Clicking the Login & Pay Now button you can fill required information & details and submit your request with us. Our team will process your request and initiate the work. 

Information & Documents Required

Name of the Brand/Slogan 

Logo/Device Image JPEG Format

Owner Name, Full Address along with Pin Code

Download Power of Authority: Fill the required information & sign 

MSME/Start-up Registration Certificate (If required)

Description of your Products/Services for which the Brand Name is being/to be used.


Enhance business credibility and reputation

Exclusive legal rights

Enforcement of Legal Rights 

Business asset along with Financial value 

Trademarks can be sold or licensed.