
MSME/UDYAM Registration

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  • MSME/UDYAM Registration
  • Proprietor ₹ 624

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MSME/UDYAM Registration

Complete By : 16-February-2025

About this Item

A2Z Filing Services will prepare and file your MSME/UDYAM Registration for Proprietorships, Registered Firms, LLP, Private Limited organizations and Cooperative Societies.

Submit Request: On Clicking the login & pay now button you can fill required information & details and submit your request with us. Our team will process your request and initiate the work. 

Information & Documents Required

Proprietor/Partner/Director Name.

Mobile No. & Email ID.

Aadhar Card & Pan Card.

Social Category of Proprietor/Partner/Director (GEN/OBC/SC).

Business/Enterprise Name.

Business Nature/Activity.

Registration Certificate (in case of Registered Firm/LLP/Private Limited/Cooperative Society).

Bank Account Number & IFSC Code.


Become eligible for a variety of loan schemes, financial assistance and programmes by the Indian Government.

Government Assistance in recovering delayed payments.

Fee reduction on intellectual property registrations. 

Take advantage of a variety of tax breaks.

Priority in Tender allocations.

Obtain access to government-run trade portals.